Monday, April 27, 2009

scattered thoughts before Bed......

Why do I feel such a freedom! Such a relief such a euphoria ever since i put in my 3 weeks notice?

Is this itching thing going to last through the whole pregnancy? i might not have skin left.

I do not want the swine flu,

I need to really go to bed because I'm done studying for the night!

I hope i pass. Really.... I need to pass this exam!

Man i make some great looking babies!

I love my Husband like no other!

Swine Flu....

For those who do not know about it enlighten yourself please. This is a very serious matter and us nurses are already prepared!!


Finally something I wanted sooo badly more than anything has happen. After my second IVF cycle I finally got pregnant!!!! For those of you who know nothing about it. It is a very emotional roller coaster. It costs a lot, and jeese i stuck my self with needles a day for 1.5 months just to get to this place!! My husband and I are so excited. We are truly blessed.