Monday, October 19, 2009


The reality that a baby will be in my house is hitting me! My bag is packed, the swing is up, the co sleeper is ready, i have baby clothes all around!! Its amazing. While absorbing the changes in my house, the eerie memory of what I had to go through and all the delays of infertility. The side effects, the constant let downs the emotional lows, uggghhh LUPRON, crept up. I am now glad I stuck to it, even when i wanted to give up, even when i began to accept I will never give my husband a child....... Its happening NOW. So I hope that many of you women who struggled like me or more than me, stay encouraged. God and Faith played a major part in this. While you have failed cycles, bouts of depression, emotional ups and downs due to the medication, needles, tender muscles, tender tummy from all the sub q shots..... that baby out weighs it ALL.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

so where have i been?

So, I am almost due! I am 35 weeks! Cant even belive it. Now i can go on and pretend that I am having a uphoric experience but i would be lying. Everthing hurts my pelvic bones crunch. i cant lay on my side due to pain and I can go on but Im happy that I will meet my little girl soon! We are ready for her. Everything has been purchased and washed. I will post a professional pic soon! Yea also I passed that exam I was studying so hard for! I am finally a GRaduate nurse taking my state boards soon and i will be an RN. Been an LPN for 3 years and it was time to move to next level. I promised myself to update my blog at least once a week! I hope I can live up to it. Until next time, LAterZ....

Monday, April 27, 2009

scattered thoughts before Bed......

Why do I feel such a freedom! Such a relief such a euphoria ever since i put in my 3 weeks notice?

Is this itching thing going to last through the whole pregnancy? i might not have skin left.

I do not want the swine flu,

I need to really go to bed because I'm done studying for the night!

I hope i pass. Really.... I need to pass this exam!

Man i make some great looking babies!

I love my Husband like no other!

Swine Flu....

For those who do not know about it enlighten yourself please. This is a very serious matter and us nurses are already prepared!!


Finally something I wanted sooo badly more than anything has happen. After my second IVF cycle I finally got pregnant!!!! For those of you who know nothing about it. It is a very emotional roller coaster. It costs a lot, and jeese i stuck my self with needles a day for 1.5 months just to get to this place!! My husband and I are so excited. We are truly blessed.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Its Been a while...

Wow its been a while i have become overwhelmed with work, people, events, schoool, and moving, and move work, it was to the point i had to send an email and put everyone on HOLD. Seriously. I need a break. TO recollect myself, to stop and smell the roses and to just enjoy mu husband and daughter not squeezing them into a schedule! I will be writing more often I promise!!!!! for who ever reads this I hope all is well!!!!