Friday, December 14, 2012

I wrote and posted this today on my face book. I don't think i can comment much right now i'm very emotional. I got the text from my husband while with my local homeschoolers and the library. Chills all over my body.

So you had a normal day you dropped off you child to school got in your car and drove way. While waiting at the light you are thinking about what will be for dinner, that you have to pick up gifts for your child class, that you will have a long day of work, or you are just thinking all the years of infertility you finally are just glad to have a moment like this, watching your child run to her or his class happily. Then you get a text, email., phone call, the news, or someone tells you, YOUR CHILD'S SCHOOL has been attacked 27 people dead and mostly children......

AT that very moment LIFE STOPS, Your stomach gets tight and your throat become dry and forms that knot, you know that knot where you feel you can barely swallow. You get goosebumps, you begin to sweat, eyes are moving back and forth, mind racing, heart speeding. That gut wrenching feeling. ~M. Scott~

My heart is so heavy... so so heavy

Connecticut SHOOTING 27 people murdered. about 20 are children.

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