Friday, October 24, 2008


This morning my friend and I were talking about baby showers. Decor, spending budgets and the dynamics that make it all work. The most important part i believe should be understood is the ROLL of the Man who is having this baby.

1. sit down and shut up
2. sit down smile and shut up
3. carry large boxes
4. help clean up and carry large boxes to the car
5. smile for camera and rub the tummy.

It is not your day, all u did was poke around and the woman did the work. So your role as the daddy, is to smile sit down and shut up......... Lets not forget we mommies get celebrated once a year and usually the daddies are the play buddies of the kids making us mommies look really anal, when in fact we are just doing the motherly thing. So fall back relax, smile and shut up!

oh yea the daddy must get the mommy food and drinks and make sure she is comfortable. Why you ask? Because he is overjoyed that he has this beautiful woman that he loves oh so dearly, carrying a gift of life especially if she had a hard time conceiving, carrying, or just because.

Maybe you think I am wrong lol. Tell me, what is the roll of the Daddy at a baby shower for his child?

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