Thursday, October 16, 2008

YEa its been a while............

So yes im finising up my RN yaaay, and I am busy like No other. Im enrolled in 2 different schools, work full time in pediatric pych, and the only day i dont have to be anywhere physically is SUNDAY. Everyday my nose is in a big heavy text book. Oh yea i have a 9year old who has lots of ''spunk'', and a husband a great, wonderful, husband who cant cook (LOL) you might see days or even weeks missing but i will try to keep up. But i have some questions for you guys.........

1. Do you have 8 months of your monthly spending saved up?

2. What are you doing to make this situation our economy is in work for you?

3. Have your cut some corners? if so HOW?

4. How have you been affected?

PS....if you dont know by now YOU NEED TO STOP SPENDING LIKE YOURe RICH, if you cant buy it with cash for get it! and if you just graduated college and still live with your parents stay there as LOOONG as you can and save up every penny you make

IF you are EXPECTING as in BABY and YOU are a woman (single) and plan on quiting your JOB and really dont know how expencive a baby is..............THINK AGAIN

If you are a man and YOUR WOMAN is expecting and you dont have a JOB!!! FOOL go get a DAMN JOB and stop being a DAMN BUM......DO YOU SEE THE STATE WE ARE IN? its not going to resolve over in 2 months. Like seriously YOU HAVE A LIFE THAT WILL TOTALLY BE DEPENDANT ON YOU......(REALITY CHECK)

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