Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Boom Boom Gear!

This woman is AMAZING my AUNTY ANNIE!! So proud that, this is my family this is where i come from. EDUCATED,Intelligent, WOMAN. FIlM Producer, Inventer, Writer, and everything else...... check this lady out No stopping her at all!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

I feel for her Sooo Much

So the search for her 7 year old nephew is over. They found is body in the truck. What kind of sick person does this? Why the hell did he take the boy from the house and kill him after the fact? Did he torture that boy in away? He belongs in hell. Sorry not very christian thing to say but that how i feel right now.......He mom,brother and nephew gone. What kind of wedding will she have with out her mother? Yes people loose their mom but right before an event that is supposed to be happy and joyus, HOW?.........((sigh)) I will definatly keep her and her poor sister in my prayers.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I miss my cousin,

I really miss him, my heart hurts so bad. We all grew up together closer than cousins more like brothers and sisters. I miss Marlon Bryan. WHen i found out that he didnt make it, i remember Feeling NUMB, just walking in the hallways of my school, everything was going in slow motion.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

sanging and a

im putting this video of my self singing. HA im so frightend to let people see this but you know what.....I gotta get over it!!

Friday, October 24, 2008


This morning my friend and I were talking about baby showers. Decor, spending budgets and the dynamics that make it all work. The most important part i believe should be understood is the ROLL of the Man who is having this baby.

1. sit down and shut up
2. sit down smile and shut up
3. carry large boxes
4. help clean up and carry large boxes to the car
5. smile for camera and rub the tummy.

It is not your day, all u did was poke around and the woman did the work. So your role as the daddy, is to smile sit down and shut up......... Lets not forget we mommies get celebrated once a year and usually the daddies are the play buddies of the kids making us mommies look really anal, when in fact we are just doing the motherly thing. So fall back relax, smile and shut up!

oh yea the daddy must get the mommy food and drinks and make sure she is comfortable. Why you ask? Because he is overjoyed that he has this beautiful woman that he loves oh so dearly, carrying a gift of life especially if she had a hard time conceiving, carrying, or just because.

Maybe you think I am wrong lol. Tell me, what is the roll of the Daddy at a baby shower for his child?

Monday, October 20, 2008

To live or Not to Live, that is the Question....

One of the most important things a Person should have are goals. Without goals what really is your purpose? Why are you getting up everyday? Sometimes I find a lot of people fall into this dead routine, where all dreams and aspirations disintegrate and they become living zombies. Work pay bills,work pay bills. If that is the case you might as well shot yourself, do you know realize that we are intellectual and spiritual beings? We feed of emotions, gratitude, music, life, and God!! So people please become alive...."start asking yourself where am I now?, is this all i want in life?, and What am i doing to get where i want to be?"...... LIVE LIFE, Truly define that.... Muuuaahhhh!

I have to Go and work on one of my goals right now! and that's studying to get an A on both upcoming exams!!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


The Strength to Cope
Lord, Give me Strength...
--To keep my cool when another period starts.
--To keep my chin up when a co-worker announces her pregnancy.
--To have a good relationship with my friend in spite of her ability to conceive easily and not be jealous of her.
--To endure my sister-in-law's comments about toilet training.
--To keep from crying when I see children begging on the roads.
--To forgive my doctor when he keeps me waiting for two hours for a consultation - and then can't remember my name.
--To make the right decision about treatment.
--To maintain a good relationship with my husband in spite of all this.


YEa its been a while............

So yes im finising up my RN yaaay, and I am busy like No other. Im enrolled in 2 different schools, work full time in pediatric pych, and the only day i dont have to be anywhere physically is SUNDAY. Everyday my nose is in a big heavy text book. Oh yea i have a 9year old who has lots of ''spunk'', and a husband a great, wonderful, husband who cant cook (LOL) you might see days or even weeks missing but i will try to keep up. But i have some questions for you guys.........

1. Do you have 8 months of your monthly spending saved up?

2. What are you doing to make this situation our economy is in work for you?

3. Have your cut some corners? if so HOW?

4. How have you been affected?

PS....if you dont know by now YOU NEED TO STOP SPENDING LIKE YOURe RICH, if you cant buy it with cash for get it! and if you just graduated college and still live with your parents stay there as LOOONG as you can and save up every penny you make

IF you are EXPECTING as in BABY and YOU are a woman (single) and plan on quiting your JOB and really dont know how expencive a baby is..............THINK AGAIN

If you are a man and YOUR WOMAN is expecting and you dont have a JOB!!! FOOL go get a DAMN JOB and stop being a DAMN BUM......DO YOU SEE THE STATE WE ARE IN? its not going to resolve over in 2 months. Like seriously YOU HAVE A LIFE THAT WILL TOTALLY BE DEPENDANT ON YOU......(REALITY CHECK)