Wednesday, September 10, 2008 you met a guy

ITs about 2:50 am and yes I am wide awake and that is sooo typical of me. As always I come home from work check my daughter while she sleeping and sit with my husband before he goes to bed.

I recognize from chatting with friends,strangers, family.....women I am always repeating this one piece of advice that will save you a lot of time wasted and heartache. When it comes to dating I would like to say most women have been in the most amazing,most hurtful,confusing,stressful,nerve recking, depressing, draining relationship. That one relationship that opened your eyes that one relationship that made u understand what YOU wanted And did NOT want in man. WHY, WHY do you go and find another guy that is the same awful thing as that one relationship? I always believed that you know first hand what kind of man you are dealing with. Some of you are in denial, or think that this one will change, or what ever kooky thing you may believe. Then after you have already identified the things that just isn't right, you still stay. BIGGEST MISTAKE. Once you detect certain things aren't right just let it go before it gets serious. Falling in love with a man like that will ruin you. Its easy to leave when you are not attached. Screw the fact that he may look super cute, or is "exciting", he wont be super cute and exciting when you have become an emotional wreck, due to his actions or lifestyle or moral that you chose to ignore............. Here is a simple equation you should keep in your head when those red flags start popping up as you start to get to know your new guy......Been There, Done That, Moved the Heck On = Happy


Tiffany Perez-Figueroa said...

I agree Mo...real true love isn't hard to work for. A relationship is not a job...if you find yourself crying more than you're smiling-huge red flag!!!And when someone shows you their ass take notice of it and move's too short for wasting time!!! And I agree women get too caught up in superficial qualifiers for men; an asshole is an asshole no matter how cute he is...the wrong man can ruin your life if you're not smart!

Anonymous said...

Amen!!! Just LEAVE, and save yourself the heartache!!! It's so simple

socialedisturbed. said...

soooo true, it's just easier said than done