Sunday, September 14, 2008

To Be or NOT to BE...... A GOd Parent that is

When was the last time you spoken to your God Parent? I think i can say for many of us It has been YEARS. Why the heck do we need God Parents anyway? To be honest I don't really thing half the people even know the duty of one. Is it to start a college fund help damn near raise the child? Shower the child with gifts after gifts after gifts. TO be honest i think that there is too much expected from a God parent and that is why a lot of them end up never really developing a relationship with the child or just stops where it started at the christening or baptism. I even think there are a lot of God Parents who just put too much on themselves. On the religious side, they are to encourage and help the growth and development of the child's FAITH. Yes you heard it right. To Keep them in their prayers, and to be able to support the parents by doing just that. I can tell you right now my God mother was the best i could ever had she was there when I needed her most she prayed for me, loved me unconditionally and fed me LOL with this miraculous little life I had inside me as a teenager. She sat down and talked to me she wanted to understand what i been through how I felt and to make sure my goal for college and career never ever became weak or distant. Which it NEVER did too strong for that. That is some one I love and care for. Out of the few that I have that is the only one I know. Same goes for my daughter. She knows who her God Mommy is. She knows that she can go to her to talk to and just maybe relax when she feels i and my husband are just getting on her nerves. Trev was chosen because she was young LIKE me had same upbringing like me and believed in the same things as I. I made the best choice. Some time she will call and say i been a bad God mommy i haven't been taking her every weekend. You know what I say? Girl that is OK. BRI has a MOM and a DAD and we are doing our JOB. She knows who you are and know what part you play. MOST like the CHILD will NEED them IN THEIR TEENAGE and PRE TEEN age years. SO those of you who feel God parents are to pick up your SLACK please STOP IT. THOSE of you who are in your god child's life and continue to do so.. I GIVE U a PAT on the BACK........ THOSE of you who have been asked, please take a seat back and think do you really want to do it? Don't take too many you will end up being neglectful. TO be asked is an honor. To keep accepting is just foolish. I can not wait for my one OFFICIAL God daughter becomes older so we can have real one on one talk.

Got this off a website...........

Christian Responsibilities of a Godparent

1. Pray for your godchild regularly
2. Set an example of Christian living
3. Help him/her to grow in the faith of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in which he was baptized
4. Give every encouragement to follow Christ and fight against evil
5. Help your godchild to look forward to confirmation.


socialedisturbed. said...

i had no idea u blogged... yes! now i have more to read!
btw, how's my godbaby :)

Anonymous said...

Wow that was touching., Godparent such a foreign word to me